history & experience

history & experience

Born in Gloucestershire Diane trained at Art College while nearing the end of the course Diane was invited to train for 5 years as a Cartographer under Edward W Yates for the Glasgow based William Collins & Sons company founded in 1819, later to be known as HarperCollins internationally known for its maps, atlases and book publishers.

Diane worked in pen and ink on street plans for the U.K. and mainly on overseas atlases. After many years she changed direction and trained in ceramics in bone china and porcelain working for Helen Boehm of Boehm. Trenton, New Jersey U.S.A. in both the modelling and painting departments, after 6 years she set up her own business in porcelain featuring in Country Life magazines and exhibiting at Ideal Home Shows, while doing so she was asked to design the Elizabeth of Glamis rose for Birmingham Mint for the late Queen Mother for her 80th birthday, which in turn lead to being asked to work and design for a well known firm Ceramco based in Auckland and Hamilton in New Zealand.

On returning to the U.K. she went on to work in ink compiling detailed plans and drawings ready for publication for the Hereford & Worcester Archaeological Surveying team for the Education Department, when completed she went to work for Wedgwood, then Prinknash Abbey back in Gloucestershire.

certifications and publications


1983 Certificates in Apiculture from preliminary to intermediate level

1998 awarded Distinction in Botanical Illustration with subsidiary botany

2000 qualified teaching certificate

2005-2006 RHS Horticulture Course Level 2

2006 Studied Medieval Gardens College Course


Hereford & Worcester Achaeological Surveying Education Department - compiling detailed plans and drawing for publication

Illustration, type, paste up and layout design for:

Botany for Beginners - Chelsea Physic Garden Florilegium Society by Mike Hickey
The Flora of Gloucestershire
The Cambridge Illustrated Glossary of Botanical Terms by Hickey & King


personal info

Name: Diane Hyett-Hudman

Born: Gloucestershire

Teacher: W.E.A / Private classes

Volunteer Plant recorder for:
Gloucester Wildlife Trust
Natural England and Plant Life